Inks: $30
Cel Shades: $40
Soft Shades: $50
Painted: $70
Inks: $40
Cel Shades: $50
Soft Shades $60
Painted: $80
Inks: $50
Cel Shades: $60
Soft Shades: $70
Painted: $90
Inks sans background
Simple: $60
Medium: $70
Complex: $80
Inks with background
Simple: $110
Medium: $120
Complex: $130
Flat Colors
Sans Background
Simple: $70
Medium: $80
Complex: $90With Background
Simple: $140
Medium: $150
Complex: $160
Cel Shades
Sans Background
Simple: $80
Medium: $90
Complex: $100With Background
Simple: $150
Medium: $160
Complex: $170
Soft Shades
Sans Background
Simple: $90
Medium: $100
Complex: $110With Background
Simple: $160
Medium: $170
Complex: $180
Characters painted sans Background
Simple: $140
Medium: $150
Complex: $160Flats with Background
Simple: $200
Medium: $210
Complex: $220Cel shades with Background
Simple: $210
Medium: $220
Complex: $230Soft shades with Background
Simple: $220
Medium: $230
Complex: $240Painted characters with Background
Simple: $270
Medium: $280
Complex: $290
No screetone
Simple: $200
Medium: $210
Complex: $220With screentone
Simple: $210
Medium: $220
Complex: $230
Simple: $210
Medium: $220
Complex: $230Cel shades
Simple: $220
Medium: $230
Complex: $240Soft shades
Simple: $230
Medium: $240
Complex: $250
Painted background
Flat characters
Simple: $260
Medium: $270
Complex: $280Cel shaded characters
Simple: $270
Medium: $280
Complex: $290Soft shaded characters
Simple: $280
Medium: $290
Complex: $300Painted characters
Simple: $330
Medium: $340
Complex: $350
Simple: $100
Medium: $120
Complex: $130
Transformers with pre-made alt mode: $180
Transformers with original alt mode: $230Sheets Only
Simple: $70
Medium: $80
Complex: $90
Transformers with altmode: $140Sheets with Expressions
Simple: $80
Medium: $90
Complex: $100
Transformers with Altmode: $150
Charge for each character added after the first 3
Simple: $10
Medium: $20
Complex: $30For Painted Characters
Simple: $20
Medium: $30
Complex: $40Crowds
Note: See FAQ for details about how I define thisInks
Simple: $50
Medium: $60Complex: $70Flat colors
Simple: $60
Medium: $70
Complex: $80Cel Shades
Simple: $70
Medium: $80
Complex: $90Soft shades
Simple: $80
Medium: $90
Complex: $100Painted shades
Simple: $100
Medium: $110
Complex: $120
Q: How do I contact you?A: There are a number of ways. You can DM me on Tumblr or on my linked Mastodon account. You can also email me at [email protected]----------Q: What currency do you charge?A: USD! American dollars! Very very dead US presidents who have been printed on paper that has been sanctioned by the US mint to be used as currency within the borders of the United States and it's territories. But like... in digital form.----------Q: Are you charging for simple characters or simple backgrounds on the pieces with backgrounds?A: How I charge for images with backgrounds are based on the characters, not the backgrounds. So if you order something with flat colors for the character and backgrounds, but you're asking me to draw Optimus Prime, I'm charging you the complex price. Have you ever drawn Optimus Prime? He's tough! And I don't mean physically! (He is pretty OP though.)----------Q: Do you charge extra per character?A: I covered this in added prices, but I think it's worth expanding.I don't charge extra for the first three characters. This is why the price for flat colors with no background are the same as character sheets with no expressions. That said, once you start adding additional characters, the price starts going up.----------Q: Do you charge extra if I want you to do a character sheet with more than 3 views?A: Yes. Even if it's the same character it's not suddenly less work than drawing 3 characters. So if you want four angles it counts as four characters.----------Q: How do you define a crowd vs. additional characters?A: I define a crowd as a large collection of characters I can thoughtlessly make up.Say you wanted me to draw a commission with 20 specific characters. The reason why I would charge more here is because I have to adhere to those 20 individual characters designs which means I need to manage a lot of sheets and take the characters' details into careful consideration. If I'm just making them up, it's still plenty of work but it's not something where I have to put in the added effort to conform to predefined designs.----------Q: I'm a bit confused by your pricing for Transformer character designs. You have complex, which you've used for other Transformers commissions, one with pre-made alt modes, and one with original altmodes. What's the differences and why are they priced that way?A: I charge more on those, and really anything that includes altmodes because I have to work on what might as well be another character sheet.If your character doesn't include an alt mode, like if they're a Power Master, you can just ask for a complex character design. If you want it to be a red 2015 Honda Civic, and you don't want a sheet for that, then you can request a complex sheet for that too.If you want me to make a sheet for the Civic, I'm going to want extra money for it. I just am. So that would get a $50 increase.If you want me to design the alt mode myself, that's a lot more work. So that's when I add $100 onto the the base complex price.----------Q: How do I send you money?A: Drop me your paypal. I'll send you the invoice.----------Q: What kind of commissions do you not take?A: NSFW largely.----------Q: Why not NSFW?A: I'm not against NSFW commissions, but they do present a quagmire that I don't want to deal with. How do I know you're really the age you say you are? What if you send me a message that tips off Paypal that I got paid for an NSFW commission and they lock my account? While a lot of people do it and it's fine, I don't really want to be the one who deals with it when it's not fine because of a mishap or because someone lied about their age. If it's someone I'm familiar enough with that's one thing, but a lot of you are still just random strangers on the internet. No offense.----------Q: What's your favorite food?A: W-what's that got to do with commissions?! Anyway, uh.... I suppose pizza and hamburgers. So long as they're vegan.